Tag: Galaxy Watch Active 2

  • Galaxy Watch 3 & Active 2 Receive Watch 4 Features in New Update

    Galaxy Watch 3 & Active 2 Receive Watch 4 Features in New Update

    As mentioned by Samsung in the latest post, it has now distributed a new update for Galaxy Watch Active 2 & Galaxy Watch 3 smartwatches. The new update brings a couple of features of the Galaxy Watch 4 along with some fresh watch faces. The firmware version R84*XXU1CUK2 is rolling out for Galaxy Watch 3 & firmware number R82*XXU1EUK2 is released for Galaxy Watch Active 2 models. The first thing we noticed in the latest version is the new 10 themes for the older Tizen watches.

    The fresh-looking Analog dashboard, Premium Analog, Cute Character, Big Number, Active, Endangered Animals, Color Duo, Simple Classic, and Animals watch faces are now available for previous watches. Along with it, Samsung has brought Group Challenge Widget on the watch.

    It has also improved calorie consumption tracking in HR. In fall detection, Samsung has added a Sensitivity option to detect more falls, though it has warned that some exercises may be detected as hard falls.

    New Galaxy Watch 3 Update

    Finally, in the Calendar, the synchronized period has been extended to 1 year from 3 months. Samsung has officially confirmed some of its Watch 4 features & watch faces will come to older Tizen watches including the original Galaxy Watch & Galaxy Watch Active.

    The remaining Tizen watches will soon receive the same treatment in the coming days. For the latest update, check the Galaxy Wearable app for any unfinished firmware updates. The update is released in South Korea, Germany & the US at the time of writing this article.

  • Samsung Offers Two Months Free Trial of Strava to Galaxy Watch Users

    Samsung Offers Two Months Free Trial of Strava to Galaxy Watch Users

    Today, Samsung has released a major firmware update for its new Galaxy Watch 4 series. The new version brings plenty of new features including four new watch faces, GIF support for Photo+ face, new gesture controls, improved Samsung Health & fall detection. Well, it is not the only thing to cheer. Samsung & Strava tied up together to offer a free two-month trial of premium features for Galaxy Watch users. The new & existing Galaxy Watch users that installed Strava can avail themselves of the offer for the next two months.

    The best part of this offer is, it is available for all the Galaxy Watch series devices. Along with Watch 4 series, the users of the original Galaxy Watch, Watch Active, Active 2 & Galaxy Watch 3 can get the premium subscription benefit of this fitness app. The official Strava app is already available in the Galaxy Store since 2018’s Galaxy Watch, so you may have already used it before.

    To get a free subscription, you should visit the promo.strava.com/Samsung website page and start your free trial. It is applicable for the new as well as existing users who never used paid subscriptions.

    Free Strava Paid Subscription

    In the existing customer, if you have already gotten a free trial more than twice, then you are not eligible for this offer. If you only once subscribed to a free trial before, then you can also try this one.

    The Galaxy Watch 4 users can download the app from Play Store for Wear OS. All other users can download the Strava app from Galaxy Store. If you are having any trouble while availing of this offer, then tell us in the comment.

  • New Updates Released for Galaxy Watch Active & Active 2

    New Updates Released for Galaxy Watch Active & Active 2

    Last week Samsung has released new firmware updates for the first-gen Galaxy Watch & the new Galaxy Watch 3. Now, the remaining two Galaxy Watch series watches, Galaxy Watch Active & Active 2 are receiving the same treatment from the company. Samsung has seeded new software to enhance the Wi-Fi connectivity and the messaging app on the watches. The firmware version for Galaxy Watch Active is R500XXU1FUD1, and the Watch Active 2 is receiving the R820XXU1DUD1 version.

    After the update, both watches will see more stability in the Wi-Fi connectivity. The messaging app has also been improved, and the company has taken care of the overall quality of the wearables. The new software hasn’t brought any new features or changes to the core, but it is important for these watches to get polished from time to time. The updates for Galaxy Watch Active & Active 2 are available to install in South Korea, Brazil, Germany & Austria.

    It is a global rollout, so you can open the Galaxy Wearable app, and check if there is any pending software update. To get the best experience from your Samsung smartwatch, we recommend you install the latest version.

  • Galaxy Watch 3 Gets SmartThings Find Service in Major Update

    Galaxy Watch 3 Gets SmartThings Find Service in Major Update

    With every major update, Samsung enhances capabilities of its latest smartwatches. After the launching of massive update on Galaxy Watch Active 2, now Samsung has dispatched it for new Galaxy Watch 3. The firmware brings new SmartThings Find App on Galaxy Watch 3, which is company’s new service to locate your forgotten watch. The find service will help you to search your connected smartwatch. Further, users can do lots of home workouts with many fitness programs including some video sessions.

    The Handwasher app which is quite popular since lockdown is now the part of watch itself. It will help you to make a healthy habit of washing your hands. The Samsung Health app has also improved and now users can perform group-walking challenges with their friends & family. The auto detect time of the workout modes has been reduced, so it will respond faster when doing exercise. The improved auto detection is applicable for running, elliptical and rowing machine.

    New Galaxy Watch 3 Update

    Finally, Samsung has squashed minor bugs to enhance the performance of the device. The firmware version R840XXU1BUA8 is now available to download in the US, India & South Korea. The file is 74MB in size and you can download it from Galaxy Wearable app.

  • Galaxy Watch 3 & Active 2 Receive ECG & BP Functions in more Countries

    Galaxy Watch 3 & Active 2 Receive ECG & BP Functions in more Countries

    After the releasing of Galaxy Watch 3 in Last August, Samsung is now releasing ECG & Blood Pressure features in more countries. The US & South Korea were the only lucky countries to get the functions on new Samsung smartwatches. The distribution has now started and many major regions are getting it. Galaxy Watch Active 2 users can also use both these health features, which they are receiving after one and half years of launching. At this moment, only Samsung Galaxy smartphones will get support, and non-Samsung devices may receive it later.

    All the countries are from Europe, that because recently the perticular authorities in the region have approved these functions for users. The customers in Iceland, Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Belgium, Lithuania, Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, and the United Kingdom can use it.

    ECG on Galaxy Watch 3

    It is not all. Also, the public users in the Chile, Indonesia & the UAE will soon get the Electrocardiogram & Blood pressure function very soon. In the end, total 31 countries are eligible to use the function. India, China, Japan and some other major regions will soon get the functions in upcoming weeks or months. To use the ECG & Blood Pressure, install the Samsung Health Monitor app and use the services. It is advisary to use the features, but do not take any medicines based on these results.


  • Samsung Praised Galaxy Watch Active 2 with Major Software Update

    Samsung Praised Galaxy Watch Active 2 with Major Software Update

    The Galaxy Watch Active 2 has become the first Samsung wearable to receive a major update in 2021. Just after announcing the Galaxy S21 series & Galaxy Buds Pro, the company has released major firmware for Active 2. The latest software brings a couple of features, enhancements, and changes to the smartwatch. Now with the Samsung Health app, users can challenge or compete with their friends and also get feedback. As per the changelog, users will get additional sleep scores and meaningful information.

    The automatic workout detection is faster than before, and it is helpful with three sports – running, rowing machine & elliptical. It was the main concern of users about slow workout detection, especially in running & walking. We have to now use it to tell exactly how fast it will detect our exercises.

    In the latest version, Samsung has also launched home training & many other fitness programs for Galaxy Watch Active 2. All the new premium smartwatches are offering such kinds of coaching programs, so Samsung has taken a good decision to keep the Active 2 forward-looking watch.

    Major Galaxy Watch Active 2 Update

    In the last, with the help of the SmartThings Find function, users can easily search their smartwatch if they have forgotten where they have put it. With the map location, it will trace the last location of your smartwatch.

    Further, Hand Wash will automatically detect when you are washing your hand and start the counting. The new firmware version R820XXU1DUA3 for Active 2 is available in South Korea, and soon, it will come to other countries.

  • Latest Galaxy Watch Active 2 Update Improves GPS Performance

    Latest Galaxy Watch Active 2 Update Improves GPS Performance

    Samsung’s latest firmware update for Galaxy Watch Active 2 is here to improve GPS performance and its accuracy. Furthermore, it also stabilizes& improves the GPS connection to avoid any interruption or disconnection in your activities. The firmware version R825USQU1BTJ6 is now rolling out in the US that weighs 45.42 MB in size. We haven’t heard any kind of false alarms from the GPS on this watch and not about its accuracy. Still, it is a welcome move by Samsung to make it more accurate.

    The Changelog also mentions Active 2 can now support voice guidance during exercises. It is the feature Samsung has already dispatched in the previous version. If you haven’t noticed the voice guidance feature in that firmware, then you can start using it now. For your information, to get the voice support, you can connect the Bluetooth headset and hear it while workouts. You can also get support for HR data, walked distance during running/cycling when you enable the auto lap feature.

    Active 2 GPS Update

    The Galaxy Watch Active 2 is one of the most forward-looking smartwatches from Samsung after the Galaxy Watch 3. In the recent updates, the Galaxy Watch Active 2 has received ECG, Blood pressure, fall detection, VO2 max, running analysis, and many more features in the US. To get better results from the GPS of your watch, update this newer version. The US users of the Active 2 LTE variant, can install this update from the Galaxy Wearable app.

  • Galaxy Watch 3 Update Improves Blood Oxygen Feature

    Galaxy Watch 3 Update Improves Blood Oxygen Feature

    Samsung has dispatched a new software update for its latest Galaxy Watch 3 smartwatch. The update improves the measurement of the blood oxygen saturation feature to enhance its quality and provides stability. The firmware version R840XXU1BTK1 is now rolling out in Samsung’s home country. In the recent update, Samsung has already provided stability to many health functions including SpO2, VO2 Max, Sleep Score & stress management. Now, the company is again stabilizing the SpO2 measurement to get fast & accurate results from Watch 3.

    To the surprise, the changelog mentions it has added voice guidance support to the exercises. The voice guidance support has been unlocked for the many users on Galaxy Watch 3, and even Samsung has brought it to Galaxy Watch Active 2. For the information, the voice coach can give you health tips from time to time by using the Bluetooth headset. It even guides you about cumulative data and heart rate to the automatic section of running/biking exercise. It also works when you connect the headset with your phone.

    Galaxy Watch 3 SpO2 Update

    The voice guidance support is best for runners or fitness-centric users. Finally, the firmware squashes minor bugs to provide more stability to the wearable. The update is now rolling in South Korea, and soon you will see it on your Galaxy Watch 3. Currently, it is available for the Bluetooth version. To install this 63MB update, go to the Galaxy Wearable app, and then check in the Watch Software Update option.

  • Galaxy Watch Active 2 & Watch 3 Gets ECG in the US

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 & Watch 3 Gets ECG in the US

    In the major update in the US, Galaxy Watch Active 2 & Galaxy Watch 3 have received ECG function. The South Korean company has got cleared FDA certification for the approval. After the South Korea, the US is the second country to get the ECG function. Apart from that, Galaxy Watch Active 2 has jumped to Tizen 5.5 and gained some health activities. In the Galaxy Watch Active 2, users can now use fall detection, VO2 Max, sleep score, screen capture and better running analysis. These were all Galaxy Watch 3 exclusive features that last week rolled out on global versions.

    To use the ECG, you have to download Health Monitor app on your smartwatch, and then you can open the ECG tab. Samsung has warned that the feature is only for reference purpose and before taking any medicines, visit the doctor. To level the game with older model, Galaxy Watch Active 2 can now tell you details of your daily workout to boost the endurance. It can also detect the hard fall and alert your familiy member or personal doctor. The Galaxy Watches can capture the screenshots, but now users can take whole image of the screen. You can now get better sleep score and better running analysis.

    Galaxy Watch 3 ECG Update

    The firmware version R840XXU1BTHA is rolling out for Galaxy Watch 3 and the Galaxy Watch Active 2 is getting R820XXU1CTH8. The update for new watch is 47MB in size, and Active 2 update is 290MB in size. There is no official date for the ECG, Blood Pressure or Blood Oxygen level roll out in the other countries. The US users and South Korean users can no use all these functions.

  • Galaxy Watch Active 2 Receives Galaxy Watch 3 Features

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 Receives Galaxy Watch 3 Features

    As always a year old Galaxy Watch Active 2 is now receiving some Galaxy Watch 3 features. The new Watch 3 is quite lucky to get some of the best features that can be comparable to Apple Watch Series 5 or upcoming Series 6. Where to start, blood oxygen, ECG, fall detection & VO2 max is the future innovative functions that you can use in many areas. Not all these are coming to Active 2 due to the hardware limitations, but some of them have landed here. The VO2 Max will not let you check how much oxygen your body has observed during the workout for better endurance.

    The second most important feature is to Detect fall, it will call or message to the emergency number via SOS to your friends or family. It automatically calls them when the watch detects a hard fall or accidental fall. Enhanced notifications are now open windows while receiving new messages and also show the images. Previously, only WhatsApp was able to show the images. With the Advanced Running Analysis, you can improve your running stay yourself fit & active. You will get all the necessary information in one place with the running analysis.

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 Update

    Now, in the new software, you can easily take screenshots of the watch and send it to the paired smartphone. The screenshot option is not new to the Active 2, though now you can take scroll captures. Finally, in the messages & notification replies, you can use AR Emojis & Bitmojis for better communication. The firmware version R820XXU1CTH8 is now rolling out in some European countries & South Korea.

  • Samsung Activates ECG on Galaxy Watch Active 2

    Samsung Activates ECG on Galaxy Watch Active 2

    Samsung has finally activated ECG or Electrocardiogram feature on Galaxy Watch Active 2. For now, South Korea is the only country where the users can use it, as the company has got green signal. It may be the marketing strategy of Samsung to enable the function right after the launching of Galaxy Watch 3. Samsung was previously promised to release the function in the first of this year, but later postponed it. Due to the lack of permission from the authorities it delayed again, but in May it received necessary certificate from the MFDS, so finally Samsung opened this function for Active 2 users, at least in the home country. Users need to download & install Samsung Health Monitor app on the watch & on the paired smartphone to use it.

    On the Galaxy Watch Active 2, the ECG function will tell you about Atrial Fibrillation or AFib & Sinus rhythm. It gives Sinus rhythm when there is nothing wrong, and it gives results of Atrial Fibrillation when the heart rates is more than usual. There are also two more outputs, Judgement failure & Signal failure, when the measurement is wrong or value is incorrect, respectively, so users won’t panic. The use of ECG is very simple. Wear the Galaxy Watch Active 2 tightly on your wrist. Open the Samsung Health Monitor app, tap on ECG tab & press Measurement. It will take 30 seconds to give the output. After that, you can check the results on the watch or on smartphone.

    SpO2 on Galaxy Watch Active 2

    Samsung has already said that, don’t get any treatment based on this function. You better visit the doctor, if you found anything unusual. It warned it could be dangerous to take medicines by only getting the ECG results. The Users in the US may also get the feature soon, as Samsung received certification from FDA to release ECG function on Galaxy Watch 3 & Galaxy Watch Active 2. Apple’s two premium watches Apple Watch Series 4 & Series 5 has this feature for the US users, and now Samsung’s two watches will join the club. It is not a software update, the users in South Korea can just go to the app and will find ECG tab is enabled for use.

  • Galaxy Watch Active 2 ECG Update may be Delayed Again

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 ECG Update may be Delayed Again

    There are many users in various countries that want to receive ECG function on Samsung’s Galaxy Watch Active 2. The smartwatch is near to complete its first year and still, there is no sign of the update. The only good news came from Samsung was in May, when the company certified to launch ECG on the Active 2. Now, when eagerly waited customers asked Samsung customer representatives then they got the answer which is not in favor of customers. The official said the ECG function may implement with My BP app, the third-party app, and very few markets like the US, Uk, Australia & Canada will receive the app update.

    It means there may be another delay from the company to introduce Electrocardiogram on the Galaxy Watch Active 2 at any time soon. Also, Samsung still has to get certified in other countries to launch the function, so the update release may take more than usual time. Here is the statement from Samsung customer representative (translated from German). The answer is for German & Austrian customers, but still, there is uncertainty about the other markets too.

    “The functions of ECGs and blood pressure measurement can be implemented via the My BP Lab app, but so far these are only available in other countries such as the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and others. There are no plans to introduce these functions on the German market at the moment.”

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 ECG

    To confirm the news, the popular tech website in German, Notebookchek, interacted with Samsung officials. In response, Samsung said the Galaxy Watch Active 2 still receives the long-promised ECG functionality, but only between the third and fourth quarters. In the official reply, it mentioned the fourth quarter, which is the end of the year. The Galaxy Watch 3, the next Samsung smartwatch will get ECG & blood pressure function right from the first day, at least in South Korea. The new watch would release soon along with Galaxy Buds Live & Note 20 series.

  • Galaxy Watch Active 2 Update Gets Blood Pressure Monitoring

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 Update Gets Blood Pressure Monitoring

    The Galaxy Watch Active 2 users can now measure their blood pressure with the new Samsung Health Monitor app. In April, Samsung had announced the upcoming function and its rollout in the third quarter. Now, Samsung has officially announced the users in South Korea can use the blood pressure monitoring on Galaxy Watch Active 2. To use the function, users have to install the new firmware version R820XXU1BTF3 that is currently rolling out in the home country. The measurement app, Samsung Health Monitor, is also necessary to download, and it is now available in Galaxy Store.

    Initially, the app and the smartwatch will not measure blood pressure by itself. First, users have to set up the app with the medically certified blood pressure measuring cuff, a process that the company call calibration. The first reading will take from the machine then sync with the Galaxy Watch Active 2. After that, the app detects or measures blood pressure through pulse wave analysis, a process that employs wearable’s heart rate sensor. Samsung ahead said users would have to measure their actual blood pressure with the machine every four weeks.

    Blood Pressure Monitoring Update

    The new function has certified by South Korea’s Ministry of Food & Drug Safety (MFDS) as a Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) service. Previously, users have to rely on My BP Lab 2.0 app to measure the blood pressure, but now Samsung has launched its own function in the Galaxy Store. There is no official release date for the other countries as the authority has to approve it. The service only supports on new Galaxy Watch Active 2 smartwatch. In the future, all the upcoming smartwatches like Galaxy Watch 3 will get it from the launch date. Now, we have to wait for ECG to launch on Galaxy Watch active 2.

  • Activation of ECG on Galaxy Watch Active 2 Will be Delayed

    Activation of ECG on Galaxy Watch Active 2 Will be Delayed

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 smartwatch launched in August is the first Samsung smartwatch with an ECG sensor. Though, the company didn’t activate the ECG function on the launch date. In the announcement, Samsung promised to enable it in the first quarter of 2020 once it gets certified by authorities. The first three months of 2020 are almost going to end, and we are heading to Q2, 2020, so most users are now started to complain about it. And in the answer, Samsung said the company needs more time to work on stable ECG service. Users are actually right because it’s almost seven months end since the launch of Active, and in few upcoming months we will see Galaxy Watch 2 or Active 3 smartwatch.

    Today, in charge of the operation of Samsung Health Service at Samsung community said Samsung needs more time to release a stable version of ECG function. He posted, “We are currently preparing for the electrocardiogram service for Galaxy Watch Active 2. Please note that it may take time to provide a stable service, and we will notify you when the service is available. Thank you.” He hasn’t mentioned any specific activation date for ECG function.

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 News

    Many users said that they had bought Active 2 because of the ECG sensor. Galaxy Watch Active 2 is one of the best smartwatches in the market with top-notch features. Though, many users purchased it because of the function. We know how Apple Watch has become a lifesaver for some users, thanks to the Electrocardiogram. Users expect the same from the Samsung watch, and they have expressed it on Reddit, Samsung communities, Facebook Groups.

  • Gear S2 Update Improves Battery Life & Adds New Interface

    Gear S2 Update Improves Battery Life & Adds New Interface

    Good news for Gear S2 users, Samsung has released a new firmware update for a 4-year-old smartwatch. The Samsung Gear S2 has received a new version after almost two years. The last update had seeded on the watch in 2018. The firmware version R730AUCU3CQK1 is now releasing for the watch that weighs 6.79MB in size. The new update has got the new interface of Galaxy Watch Active 2 that you will see all the icons & widgets the same as the new Galaxy watches.

    The new version will improve the battery usage time of the Gear S2 smartwatch. It is now a very old smartwatch so Samsung tried to enhance its battery life. After the use in daily life, we will get a clear picture of the battery life though it is good that Samsung is trying to drive it longer. The company has also implemented a stability code for device security. It kills minor bugs to increase the overall quality of the watch.

    Gear S2 Update

    As we noticed, users can now delete all the notifications at once. Previously, you have to clear all the notifications one at a time. The firmware number of the new version and the last update are the same but this time it releases to improve the security & battery life of the wearable. To get the latest version go to Settings – About Gear & Update Gear.

  • Galaxy Watch Active 2 Now Supports WhatsApp Images

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 Now Supports WhatsApp Images

    Samsung has today launched a new firmware update for Galaxy Watch Active 2 smartwatch. It is the little update as per the changelog but it brings one of the most crucial support to the watch. The firmware version R820XXU1BTA1 is now rolling out in South Korea & Germany. After the update, users can now see WhatsApp images on their Galaxy Watch Active 2. When the users receive WhatsApp notifications with pictures inside then users can view it. It is the first Samsung smartwatch to get this support and the WhatsApp is the first app to get it.

    Before it, When users get any messages they were only able to view the text from the message and the images show a camera icon. Previously, to view the pictures users have to open the app on a smartphone. These days most of the WhatsApp notifications come with pictures inside. Specially, on the occasion of festivals & New Year, users send or receive image only messages. It is better to view all the incomings on watch, and again it is one step forward to use your smartwatch without mobile.

    Galaxy Watch Active 2 Update

    As we said earlier, the new firmware is available in South Korea & Germany. It has also brought general stability & improvements to the smartwatch. It is possible in the upcoming updates all the other apps like Facebook, Instagram & Twitter will get the same treatment. There is also a chance to release it on older Galaxy Watch & Galaxy Watch Active smartwatches with their future updates.