Samsung’s dedicated camera app Expert RAW has just received its latest app update. In the new version, Samsung has brought it to Galaxy Z Fold 4 foldable phone, and also released new features. Now with the app, users can save their favorite camera settings to take favorite shots every time. With this, users don’t have to set the camera every time to capture images in different modes, which will save their photography time.
Further, users can save captured images in RAW, JPEG, or RAW & JPEG format. With this, users will get the choice to save the images as per their requirements. Finally, it has improved the app to take enhanced pictures in low light situations.
It is not all, along with the new app update, the Camera Manager at Samsung Community has announced that it will introduce a major function for Expert RAW in October. The Camera In-charge said the next function will boost the camera quality of the smartphones to get even better pictures.
We are not sure which function Samsung is going to add in its next major update, but the Camera in charge mentions it will be the professional-level shooting function. Time will tell which function will be that, but it is good Samsung is trying to enhance its camera quality.
Here is what Samsung’s Camera in charge said (Translated):

Thank you. We will help you become a true professional camera. By the way, in October, we plan to add and distribute the professional-grade shooting function. Please look forward to it~
For a reminder, Samsung is also bringing Astro Hyperlapse mode for the Galaxy S21 & Galaxy S22 in their next update. Also, it will improve the ultra-low light condition with AI learning in the same firmware version.