New Updates Released for Galaxy Watch Active & Active 2

Last week Samsung has released new firmware updates for the first-gen Galaxy Watch & the new Galaxy Watch 3. Now, the remaining two Galaxy Watch series watches, Galaxy Watch Active & Active 2 are receiving the same treatment from the company. Samsung has seeded new software to enhance the Wi-Fi connectivity and the messaging app on the watches. The firmware version for Galaxy Watch Active is R500XXU1FUD1, and the Watch Active 2 is receiving the R820XXU1DUD1 version.

After the update, both watches will see more stability in the Wi-Fi connectivity. The messaging app has also been improved, and the company has taken care of the overall quality of the wearables. The new software hasn’t brought any new features or changes to the core, but it is important for these watches to get polished from time to time. The updates for Galaxy Watch Active & Active 2 are available to install in South Korea, Brazil, Germany & Austria.

It is a global rollout, so you can open the Galaxy Wearable app, and check if there is any pending software update. To get the best experience from your Samsung smartwatch, we recommend you install the latest version.